For Women Coming Out Of Relationships: I know you have a decent understanding of yourself but when you're with someone, a part of you changes. It may be a big change or a small one but it's change. Take time to figure out how you're different post relationship from pre Cupid-shooting-an-arrow-to-your-behind and ask yourself if these things are positive or negative. I cannot emphasize enough how important that is. If you don't do it and just jump on to the next relationship, you'll continue to change and not always for the better. Then, all of a sudden, you're a completely different person. Don't lose yourself. Focus on who you and who you want to be. If they aren't the same thing then you should probably spend time bettering yourself before you get into another relationship. It'll do you some good and save you from a mid-midlife crisis.
For Women Who Aren't In Relationships: use this time to get you where you want to be. Now I don't mean if you find Prince Charming you should tell him to come back later when you've reached your ideal self because life doesn't work that way. However, I think if you're just itching to get into a relationship, take a good, long, hard, look at yourself and question why. "I feel lonely" is not the answer, but that's a starting point. The tip of the iceberg. Most girls who are "desperate" have low self esteem and feel validation and confidence when in a relationship and after a while they can't stand being alone. That's a problem and that kind of mentality won't lead you into having a good and HEALTHY relationship or life.
For All Women, here's a basic list of questions/ things (not in any specific order) you SHOULD have figured out before getting into a relationship and also halfway through one:
- What is your self worth to you and how do you measure it? (Is it positive or negative?)
- Are you afraid (down right terrified) of being lonely or forever alone?
- What do you like to do? (Hobbies, interests, etc)
- What kind of significant other are you looking for? (Write down the basics he MUST need because Mr. Perfect most probably won't meet every little requirement)
- What do you want from the future and how willing are you to change this vision? (Self explanatory)
- What kind of activities (not sexual) do you absolutely want to do with a significant other?
-(In reference to what you answered for the question above, can you do this without a life partner? Why not do all you are capable of now and maybe redo them later or do other things with that person)
- Are you being honest with yourself and not avoiding issues that should be dealt with and figured out?
Now your answers can change depending on the day or your mood but for the most part, you already know the answers to them. The rest of this piece is for people who have time to read, the biggies were above.
Even though it's the 21st century, women fall into this trap: an old school ideology that they should seek validation from others. We'll get dolled up for a party with girls we don't know as we would for a date because we feel the need to shine and let people know we're fabulous. Now, that's all fine and dandy but until this need starts affecting your mood and you start prioritizing your acceptance from others over your desire to be happy and comfortable. This is when you need to step back and check yourself.
You don't need any one person to tell you if you're beautiful or of value. You are inherently worth a lot and perfect. Don't just read this and agree with me for the next thirty minutes, truly get yourself to believe this. If you need to say it every morning and night like a mantra, by all means do it. Understanding your value is SO important in life. Women who undervalue themselves choose guys who undervalue them as well. They get treated with disrespect and they don't even see it. Some see it later and wonder why they let things last for as long as they did and feel even worse. Don't. You zeroed in on the problem, now make sure it never happens again. We all make mistakes and we all live and learn. If a guy isn't waiting on you hand and foot, good because men aren't supposed to be your slave either. Relationships are a mutual give and take situation. Find someone who cares and does about as much as you would. If someone isn't the right fit, don't try and change them. Understand that you can't make two puzzle pieces that don't fit, piece together. You can still be friends of course but don't pour all your energy into something that'll just cause unnecessary stress. Your person should bring out the best in you.
Back to being purposefully single, take this time to really work on yourself. Get healthy physically, mentally, and spiritually. Spend time with yourself. If you're afraid of being alone, pinpoint what about yourself makes you feel uncomfortable. You are your own best friend because only you love and hate the same things as much as you do and exactly as you do. Being on your own isn't a punishment because you should be the to yourself. Get your insecurities in check. No healthy relationship has a woman that is constantly worried about if her partner still likes her. You are perfect just the way you are and he should like you for your character; your looks, are just an added plus. If he's looking for someone else, you'll see the red flags if you pay attention properly. You can do that if you've got a calm head. If not, you'll find red flags everywhere and they might not even exist. This is why if you aren't in the right place of mind, you shouldn't date even if you really really want someone. It won't end well/it'll cause a lot of pain, fear, and depression. Taking this time also helps you gain confidence and understand that a breakup isn't the worse thing to happen. You can survive and thrive.
"Above all else, guard your heart, because everything you do flows from it" - Proverbs 4:23
*guard your heart by appreciating and loving yourself before you give it to someone else*
*value yourself as God values you and I can honestly tell you that he loves and adores you. Ask him to help you with this. He'll go on this journey with you.*
Youth isn't a race to the altar. It's a time of appreciating, exploring, and learning about all that surrounds you while you've got time, health, and fewer responsibilities.